Monday, September 4, 2017

Ahlul Bayt

A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Aṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin.
Sayyidi l-awwalīn wa l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh,
madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhinā, dastūr
Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatunā ṣ-ṣuḥbah wa l-khayru fi l-jam‘iyyah.
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
"Lā as’alukum ‘alayhi ajran illā l-mawaddata fi l-qurbá." (42:23)
Prophet ﷺ - this is verse from Qur’ān -
"I'm not asking you anything for his ummah saying, only to be respect and love for his family." Family his ﷺ - they are Ahlu l-Bayt.
Ahlu l-Bayt they are because they coming from Prophet ﷺ, his generation (descendants), they must be respected and they must be treated different fromother people. Because Allāh ﷻ create people different kind, so for this kind of people who are coming from Prophet ﷺ, when you respect them you respect Prophet ﷺ.
And it is written by Qur’ān. In Qur’ān it is Prophet ﷺ he ask people to be respect for them and to keep them good. But this people from since time of Prophet ﷺ, they have jealousy, envy for Prophet ﷺ and for his Ahlu l-Bayt.
All time after Prophet's ﷺ time, beginning to attack them and kill them and they not respect them.
Many of them they was become shahīd and not respected. But after, when time of maybe two hundred years, they become to make them to count them who are they, from where they coming because there is also must be written.
 It is important in Islām to know your father, to know your ancestors. 
For this there was beginning to make for them special recording.
But most perfect, it was in time of Ottoman or Saljūq people. This is people they was respecting highly, respecting for them and their keeping them to not be with other people. They areeducated, they are going to school or to other place they was respected and they were knowing nobody can say for them anything.
If anything wrong happen, they have a special court, they there have a special chief for them call Naqību l-Ashraf.
He is looking for all this and he has register book, record, and each one from Prophet ﷺ Ahlu l-Bayt dying they write this.
He pass away, they writing. When coming borning a new one they also register.
Because there was this shayṭān also - not shayṭān from real shayṭān, iblīs, and shayṭān from human being.
To destroy this, there was thousands of people or hundred thousands of people they are claiming we are from Prophet's ﷺ line - we are, he ﷺ is our grandfather.

And they was making things [that] who cannot be from Ahlu l-Bayt can done this. So for this was firmly and very strict they was writing each one born, each one die.
Who everything respected, people attacking.
And now after, when Ottoman, finish they destroy this what they are register. [Now] only by non-official, before it was official and it was looking exactly who coming, going.

But these days many people also beginning to claim they are Sayyid, they are following, they are from Prophet ﷺ line. But it is when you don't have any proof don't say I'm Sayyid or I'm from Prophet ﷺ line because you don't know. If you have - ok. If you don't have - even they say you, we are from there - you can say they saying like this but we don't have any proof. But when you have you must also say and to people you must respect these people.
And they must make this to look for who have this noble thing for him, he must be careful for his and his relative and his children, grandchildren - to tell them and to make them to know this valuable thing they have.
Because many of them they are not caring, they are acting like normal people. Even they have because only Prophet ﷺ he is away from...Allāh ﷻ keep him ﷺ safe from sins and faults. Other people, even awliyā’u Llāh, can make fault or sometimes without knowing they doing something.
Only Prophet ﷺ [without fault]. So this people also they must teach their children - you are coming from line who it is the most noble in this life. You must be example for other people.
Don't say this is - look what is Sayyid he is running like for after bad thing, after doing wrong thing, cheating people.
Because many of them, because they don't take any advice from their family, they are doing this. So it is important also for this people to make their children knowing this nobility. This is favour from Allāh ﷻ to be from this line. Of course many of them they are not caring even.
Once I was went to, even in Cyprus there was Naqību l-Ashraf. I ask them, his father he was writing, I ask where is this book?
He said "after revolution in Turkey they closed this zāwiyah, dargāh, we also we leave this.
We give them to government". And he was saying this and he was proud to say this.
Subḥāna Llāh. Yani but, in shā’a Llāh Allāh ﷻ not let them to finish. But also what we see they who people like this, Allāh ﷻ make them to not make more wrong for Prophet ﷺ, make their generation to finish.
One by one. There are maybe ten people coming now. Only, from all this family, two people they left. Because Allāh ﷻ also, even what they done, He ﷻ is respect His Prophet ﷺ, slowly slowly they said this is not ... better for them to finish to not [to] do more wrong thing. But who are respecting, Allāh ﷻ make them higher and higher.
Allāh, He ﷻ is by Prophet ﷺ, saying -"I'm, I ﷺ leave you after me two things, my Ahlu l-Bayt and leave you Qur’ān. If you are catching these two you will never be in wrong way."
And now what we see there is many part in world, there is part they saying we are catching Qur’ān [but] they are hating Ahlu l-Bayt.
Other one they are catching Ahlu l-Bayt, they are hating this Qur’ān people.
But there is the majority of ummah they are in right way, they are keeping loving Ahlu l-Bayt and catching Qur’ān also.
This is right way, in shā’a Llāh.
Allāh ﷻ make this ummah to in right way all of them. But it is time of end of time. It must, it will be like this until Sayyidinā Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming and show them the right way, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq al-Fātiḥah.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Life and Death

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa raḥmatu Llāhi wa barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. Aṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīn wa l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādāti Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhinā, dastūr yā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.Ṭarīqatunā ṣ-ṣuḥbah wa l-khayru fi l-jam‘iyyah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla is saying
A‘ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. 
"Alladhī khalaqa l-mawta wal-ḥayāta liyabluwakum ayyukum aḥsanu ‘amalā" (67:2)
Allāh ﷻ created both life and death. Allāh ﷻ created everything.
And these are the things created by Allāh ﷻ.
Allāh ﷻ created us,to see if we do good things,
if we obey Him ﷻ, if we are on the way of sins,
He ﷻ created life and death.
We live for certain period. Then everybody passes away. No one is immortal. Everyone eventually...
There are some people who live for hundreds of years like Khiḍr ‘alayhi s-salām, Ilyās ‘alayhi s-salām,
Idrīs ‘alayhi s-salām. And they will die too. No one will remain undying. Because death is for all creatures.
The wisdom of Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla giving that death to everyone is for them to not worship others.
Not for others,but the worship done for Allāh ﷻ is only devoted to Him ﷻ. Apart from Him ﷻ everyone is a creature.
And among the creatures the one who reached the highest levels is our Prophet ﷺ.
Then come the Prophets, awliyā’, ṣaḥābahs.
But this life is a place of test for everyone.
Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla creates a man even without the ability to speak.
A man is created as a weak creature.
Then he grows up slowly. And as he grows, he should matureHe should mature well.
He should grow up well and be like good people.
The highest, the best, the most perfect among creatures is our Prophet ﷺ.
A man should try to be like him ﷺ.
Mawlānā said "We were raw, got mature and blazed up". All people start this life as raw.
Even if some may appear mature, they are yet raw.
They haven't got benefit, not found the right way, the way of Allāh ﷻ.
People who don't follow our Prophet ﷺ are like raw fruit, they have no use.
And no one can benefit from them.
They are people who don't believe in Allāh 
and don't follow the Prophet ﷺ.
This way, the way of Islām, the way of sharī‘ah, the way of ṭarīqah, takes people out of this rawness and brings them up to become a good fruit. It is good itself, its fragrance is nice and it gives nice taste to people.
This is the main purpose of ṭarīqah.
In shā’a Llāh this is the way of mashāyikh. This way is a beautiful way.
A man who joins this way cannot say "What should I do now?"
If you joined this way, don't make waswasah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla is pleased with you. Because you follow His ﷺ order. You believe in the Prophet ﷺ of Allāh ﷻ.
You accept yourself as a weak servant.
We'll be saved with shafā‘ah of our Prophet ﷺ in shā’a Llāh. We need his ﷺ shafā‘ah.
We strive for his beauty in shā’a Llāh.

May Allāh ﷺ let us meet him ﷺ in shā’a Llāh.

Don't waste

Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
Assalatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidi l Awwalin wa l-Akhirin.
Madad ya Rasul Allah, S Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, S. Nazim Haqqani dastur.
Tariqatuna sohbah wa l-khayri fil jamia'
Today's sohbat insha Allah is about the manners-akhlaq of the Prophet (sas).
They asked our mother, Hz Aisha: "how were the manners of our Prophet?"
She said: "His manners are exactly as it is written in the Quran".
And all the saints who inherited from him (sas) are like him as well.
And the last one is our Shaykh, Shaykh Nazim Hz-his character is also
like the Prophet's (sas), the best of character, doesn't hurt anyone,
doesn't break anyone's heart.

He has all the beautiful attributes in him, in our Shaykh.
Most of us are trying to resemble him, Allah bless all of them.
Of course not everyone can be like him but they are trying to resemble.
But in certain things, people act in a different way unintentionally.
For example, Mawlana is careful about delicate things, that people don't see.
For example being clean, or economizing- meaning not wasting.
How do you not waste? For example, if you go to our garden now
the ground is all covered with oranges. The wind makes them fall &
they get rotten after a few days, you can't collect them anymore.

May Allah give strength to Mawlana & he comes down again. But if he did now
& saw it, he would get very angry, saying "Go&collect;, do this do that.."
So that they will not get rotten but maybe someone can benefit from them.
Because it is a blessing-ni'mat that Allah granted.
According to how Mawlana teaches us, thousands of angels work and
put effort until that orange grows & comes into this form.
It doesn't happen alone, by itself in nature,
as the atheists, unbelievers claim. It doesn't happen only with watering
the tree, fertilizing the tree, etc... No, can't be with this.
Allah appoints angels for every single bit, for every single atom of it so that
they serve until it reaches it's final form.
Out of respect for this, Mawlana does not want anything to be wasted.
Even for the food he says, "only put in your plate the amount you can eat".

Don't act shamelessly & take more than you can eat,and then throw it away.
Or even if you take more than you can eat
try to keep a separate box there that you give the leftovers to
cats, dogs, etc.. Don't you ever throw it away because
it is a big blessing-ni'mat. Only those who lose it can know-
Some people are in need of a bite, some are starving to death.
Alhamdulillah, we have plenty here. Islamic countries have plenty but..
Also shaytan has taught man such a thing, "politeness" that
if you eat everything on your plate, it is rude. You should leave some
on your plate or shouldn't mop up your food. If you do, it is rude.
It is like being rude to others. No, because in that bit
there is barakah. It is not known where the barakah is.
Hadith also says like this, the barakah can be in the last bite or in the first.
But because man is not able to see it, he has to clean up all of it.
He should not throw it into the trash. Like we said, even if it is too much
that much should definitely be put in a separate box so that animals can eat.
Also, do not waste,
people should not litter on the road. This is also wasting.
Because Hadith says "removing litter & rubbish from the road is a sadaqah".
Then if you litter on the road, it means you fall into sin at that time.
It is not good to litter the beautiful nature Allah granted to us,
or to litter roads, streets of our beautiful country.
Doing this also has it's consequences.
Also, now we hear people going to hajj, umrah.
Before when we went, everybody would cook their own food. But now
it is not like this anymore. They say "open buffet".
People go to hajj or umrah to gain it's sawab.
When man sees too much excess he acts shamelessly.
We may say this openly, no need to be polite here.
They keep filling their plates. After a few bites they see that
they can't eat, so they throw it in the trash.
And the trash there is not like here. There is no animal to benefit
so directly it goes to garbage, dirt. On hajj or umrah, in Kaaba
just like sawab is 100,000x more for things, the same applies to sins.
One must also pay attention to this.
Some gafil-heedless Muslims, who are not in Tariqat, don't know adab-manners.
What is adab-manners? Eat the rizq-provision Allah granted you
as much as you can. What you can't eat, if there are poor, needy ones around,
give it to them.
May Allah grant all of us to follow
these good characteristics of the Prophet (sas).
Just like we try to imitate him(sas) by putting a turban or growing a beard etc
this is also very important, to be careful about not wasting.
Because once Allah is offended with this, you can't find it anymore.
Because it is Allah's ni'mat, you have to be grateful for His ni'mat.
Today we speak about Prophet's (sas) attribute.
They asked Sayyidatina Aisha what Prophet's (sas) attribute was.
She said "he was what writen in Quran, exactly like this".
And this is coming for mashayikh-awliya also.
Because they are inheritor from Prophet (sas) -
same attribute they have Alhamdulillah.
Until coming to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, qaddasallahu sirruh.
There is many people, they like to be like him.
Of course this is good but so many things they not realise -
what he likes, what he does. And most what he likes
to not to do people, to not be wasting things.
We make example, like in garden. Now if you go in garden,
it is windy also. You find many orange in the garden, down on the floor.
If he was like before, you can't find one.
He was saying "collect this, collect that"..
Because this is ni'mat from Allah, gift from Allah.
Allah give this with- each one to be like this,
it need maybe 100 angels, or 1000 angels,each one.
It is like this. Without this you can't find.
Don't believe to this who said: "this is like when you give water,
and you plant this, coming, you give fertilizer" No!
If Allah not ordering & give this angel to make this,
you can't find anything to eat. Each part, all these angels
by order of Allah (jj) they make. Their business to do this-
food & ni'mat, gift for people. Without this, you can't find.
This is very important thing. Because many Muslim,
especially in Muslim country...Who become Muslim after, they know better.
In Muslim countries, they have some customs. If you eat,
if you feel you are rich or something, you must leave little bit in your plate.
Don't eat, this is shame to finish all this.
You are like beggar if you do this.
Or even you eat, they be shame for you. So this is not good.
This is, you must take as you can eat. Don't take too much.
If you can't eat too much, take only what you want. Or if
take little, after you put again.
And if you have too much in house,
somebody they throw in garbage. To throw in garbage, it is very big sin.
Sin and many people they can't find one
mouth bite to eat, so dying from hunger.
Allah (awj), they give you, you must be thankful for this.
Even if you have too much, you must make custom to put small pot near garbage.
Who not eating, you put there. Give for cat or for chicken, or animal,
but don't throw in garbage. To throw in garbage, it is very big bad behavior.
And bad behavior to Allah (awj). To make this for Allah
who give everything for you, it is not good. Maybe they can take
big punishment for this. And after people they are saying: "How we can be
like this, how we are not happy with family, how we are poor?"
Because it must be something. But many people they don't know.
From custom, between custom & between religions -
they don't know what is right, what is wrong.
They thought all this ok, when in Muslim country. But who coming from
after become Muslim, they more knowledgeable for these things.
And to throw waste in road also, it is not good.
Also, this bad behavior.
Especially you can find, there is place to put garbage. But people they throw.
One meter from here they can not put in bin, they throw in road.
This is not good, because in Hadith Prophet (sas) says "to take garbage
from road, it is sadaqah- as you pay money".
When you throw this it must be, it is sin.
And Allah give all this most
beautiful, most richest, most suitable for life,
to live in, to Islamic country. But they are no mind.
So they leave.. Because
they can't use adab, or looking for Islamic teaching or Tariqat teaching.
They can't. They thought Europe and they leave this country
and going to Europe or America, very long distance from their house.
Because they don't know. In Islamic country, you find everywhere dirty.
You can't find nizam-system.
Everybody they can do, what they like to do.
They go & make building in best,
best farming land they make building.
Even in Islam, when you make cemetary or something
they looking for bad land, not for good land for farming.
Islam they have very daqiq-precise for everything but
Islam different, Muslim different.
For this, Muslim they are all miserable because not follow real Islam.
Allah make us to follow this real Islam. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha.

Monday, August 28, 2017

● 'Shaytan becomes confused from this majesty'
"May Allah give you a good life and dress you in manly majesty, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi [Shaykh Muhammad Adil]. Man, manly majesty. Shaytan becomes confused from this majesty. Prophet Adam (a.s) was dressed in it. When Prophet Adam was dressed in it, shaytan became confused. Let us ask for the jewels of heavens, from our Mawla, for Bismillah Sharif.
Leave everything, say Bismillah. You'll become a lion. May Allah give us strength. May we not run after imitations. May we run after originals. This is the news of heavens. "Innahu min Sulaymana wa innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim" [27:30] "Innahu min Sulaymana wa innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim" [27:30] What a great ayah it is, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi.
What power, what greatness, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, the Bismillah which came from Prophet Sulaiman (a.s). What is it that came from Rabb-ul Izzat, from above? From there came Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May Allah dress us and you in that light, my son, so that you get majesty. May we say Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. May we be pure. May we be accepted in the presence of our Lord.
-- Sultan ul Awliyah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Q.S